Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Salvation by Noelle Adams

I really liked this book. Very simple way to encompass my level of admiration for this work but I think it works. It reminded me of the Book Almost: A Love Story by Anne Eliot. I adored Almost. This book is different though. There was no almost. Diana was raped and Gideon was powerless to stop it. Gideon is an undercover FBI agent and hero of the novel. He happened to be at the worn place at the wrong time just like Diana. A brief but gripping interlude in their lives that they could never let go of. Who could blame them. Diana wrestles with her brutal remains after her sexual assault as does Gideon couldn't help but feel connected to the woman he couldn't really help. The book starts out with the actual assault so I'm not really breaking the story. It's what happens after that is the assemblage of the book.

In regards to the mechanics, I loved the way the story flowed. It seemed seamless apart from a lull in the middle that quickly fades away. It's beautiful and graceful in its fluidity. The characters are well developed albeit leaning more towards Diana as this is her story. We see her grow in strength and in light and it's beautiful to watch. Just as a fawn slowly gets up, falls and surely tries again, we see her fall and survive.
It is not easy by any chance and I feared for her several times but every time she fell, there was someone there to catch her; Gideon and we see them grow together.

 I will rate it a four out of five for its seamlessness and exquisite storyline.

Although... I would have loved to see things from Gideon's perspective. What drove him to be who he was? Why did he pursue Diana and not give up on her? What powerful urge drove him to be the man he was? How did his stint as an undercover FBI agent affect him? I feel that a  POV (point of view) from Gideon will be just as powerful as one from Diana and in the same book, it could transform that 4 out of 5 to a 5 goldstar!

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Paladin Prophecy & Alliance by Mark Frost

True story. I am reviewing this book for the publisher. Now that that's out of the way, my obligation to them is done. Prior to receiving Alliance, I had never read the Paladin Prophecy (TPP) , so of course I had to read it first. It is one of the most riveting, intelligent piece of fiction I have ever read. Wow. Off the bat, let me say I'm partial to TPP. Mark Frost is a great writer and if there is ever any need for evidence, read The Paladin Prophecy! It grabbed me from the beginning to the end and didn't let go once! Mark treated the reader like intelligent people. That is something that stood out to me, particularly. He didn't over explain something and he didn't really set the scene of a piece on information with a lot of jibber-jabber. The info just flowed as the book unfolded in a precise intelligent manner. Nothing was ever surprising disclosed. Off the bat, the powers that Will West possessed wasn't like, "OMG, I have these powers, woooooaaahhhh", It was more like, "yeah, I already had these but it's improving". So refreshing. After reading many "the one" books, it was nice to see a different spin on the one. Plus, "the one" wasn't really just one, too. Awesome! But it still kinda felt like he was the one. This is great cuz I like my hero to have most of the limelight! Score!
Enter, Elise, Nick, Brook and Ajay! Yaaaayyy. He has a posse with their own, let's say uuummm, special skills? uh-uh. Awesome plus there is a burgeoning love connection that isn't the focus of the book, score! Love stories are great but this book is way more than that and that's how I like it! I will not reveal much about what happens in the book but, Wow! Mark really hit the cake on this one. I was all, "Nooooo. Oh wait, I have book two" at the end of book one. I just loved it! It was good to read something I did not have to slave through just because I had a commitment to it. It was amazing and I opened Alliance excited to know more.
Alliance. The kids re all are awake (aware of the shtuff happening around them). Oh, Will West is so amazing. I have a crush on his smartness. sooo awesome. He was all like evasive and smart in book one which i like. I don't want him to be stupid even if it is for the progress of the book and trust me he wasn't. He did have a learning cuz but who doesn't when shtuff goes down but he was all prepared. Ok. Alliance. Alliance to me was great but wan't as good as TPP. Maybe it's because I'm so enamored with the intelligence of TPP but oh well, it was great and revealing, sorta. You have to read it to understand, that Allaince was only the logical conclusion, that's why it was revealing-ish. It wasn't predictable per say, but if you're smart,with info from book one you can connect the dots and factor in the new information. I loved it and can't wait for book three to come out! I know, it'd be even more brilliant than the past two books! Go Will West & the Alliance!!!!!!
Check out The Paladin Prophecy on AmazonRandom House Books, and Barnes & Noble .
Check out Alliance on Barnes & Noble and Amazon
You won't regret it!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Being Sloane Jacobs by Lauren Morrill

Random person: Sloane Jacobs? Sloane Jacobs?
Sloane Jacobs: That's me!
Sloane Jacobs: That's me!
Sloane Jacobs & Sloane Jacobs: Whaaaaaaaaa (Meg Griffin style)
One second later

Sloane Emily Jacobs: I have a terrible life.
Sloane Devon Jacobs: I have a terrible life.
Sloane Emily: Let's switch!
Sloane Devon: Won't work!
Sloane Emily: Will do!
Sloane Devon: K. Let's switch.
And Poof! There it started.
A classic case of switcheroo with a lot of excitement! Can't beat the classics.
I haven't been this excited about a book in forever. I was rooting for them both throughout the book! So, Sloane Emily is a figure skater while Sloane Devon is a hockey player. As you can imagine, their personalities are different. They are both tough in different ways and imagine each other's sport to be easy. We have the requisite rich girl (Sloane Emily) & other side of the tracks (sorta) girl (Sloane Devon). Do not go there. They do both have deep issues. Trust me. You'll be rooting for them before the end of the book, several times. They get into hijinks with their mates, and it's aweeesome. They both fall in love in the city of Montreal. It's beautiful to watch them grow and develop into strong, confident girls. Just beautiful. I tethered on the edge of excitement all through this book. It's been a while since I've just had some good old fun while reading and i certainly did in this one. I loved it!

Check it out on Amazon!

Author's Synopsis

Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Rift Part 1 by Gene Luen Yang and Gurihiru


Remember Avatar: The Last Airbender from Nickelodeon? I watched that thing religiously over and over again until the end and then again. Then came Legend of Korra which I'm loath to watch because I fear that it might tarnish my memory of Aang. What if I love Korra but Aang must surely be dead for her to live... So nope, even though I added it to my Hulu queue i will not be watching it for a long long while.
Avatar:The Last Airbender has changed quite a bit since before the beginning of Legend of Korra. I haven't realized how much until now.Strange thing, the Airbender clan still exists in drove but I haven't seen any signs of power though. The writers did note that there were people without bending skills. My concern was that Aang had air acolytes which i presume he teaches Airbending to. No sign of them performing on their own so far though, so Aang is still the last airbender. Phew... took me a while there, huh?
I love the panels and the drawing. It's just as it should be; just like watching the real thing. The panels are strong and help you go along with the flow and if you're reading it on a tablet, it's even better especially cuz you can scroll down with reasonable progression.
I loved this series and i am eagerly awaiting Part 2. When it ended i was like "Really though? It was just getting goood. Noooooo". Yeah. It's that good. This series focuses more on Toph, our resident bad (blind) girl! She is tough as nails as her name suggests and her bending skills really are magnificent. Aang could learn a thing or two from her. Yep. The Avatar could and is learning from Toph herself. In this series we get an indept look at Toph's past. It's exciting. We get to see why Toph is so independent and well...though. Just barely though. Sadly, I will have to wait till Part 2 to see what the heck is gonna happen. The horror. I hate to wait! Oh well ~~

Check out this magnificent beast if you love Toph and will like to see more badassery from her. Oh as well as sheer stubbornness!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Pivot Point & Split Second - Kasie West

Ok. Hi y'all. I  have not written here in forever. I have decided to be a more faithful writer. Over the weekend, i read Pivot Point and Split Second, a book by Kasie West. I adored it! It's a long while since I've read something I really really like. A while meaning, a while. It's about this group of people who live in a compound and rarely venture out into the normal world. These people have advanced mind and have powers like telekinesis, mood control, mass manipulator (walk through walls etc.), an eraser (erases and restores memories) and divergence (sees two futures and time manipulation etc.). The protagonist Addison (Addie) Coleman has to choose where to live with when her parents split up. Trust me, it opens up a can of worms...Innocuous decision leads to startling crazy stuff...
 It was great but if i don't complain about a few things would I be a good critic? Not so much. Ok. so i loved it overall, based on the decisions she chose to follow in The process of writing it, it was awesome but...inevitably... I have a few things to say.
  • Book two; Split Second is based on book one.
  • Book one; Pivot point's premise was more than a little skewered.
  • Book two was great and i would love to see more about Duke, Connor and Laila a well as Trevor and Addie.
So, Addie is divergent. Whenever she faces a choice she can 'search' out the outcome. She will have two options with the choice of one. This book is awesome, no doubt about especially book two but seriously! One major factoid is that Addie chooses a choice and knowing full well the outcome still chooses it and doesn't deviate from it one bit. For realsies though? You know the future! come one! So because a path has been fully revealed you can't change a few things and still keep your knowledge! Ack!!!!! Ughhhhh! That one fact will make a lot of sense to you when you read this series! Come one West! We are human beings who think, don't try to hope that we won't notice this shufff! Somethings are not set in stone!

Overall, it's great! I mean yeah... I wanna know more about Laila and Connor, Eli (Laila's brother), Trevor, Duke etc.

Check it out! You'll love it and you'll even love griping about it more!

Pivot Point
Barnes & Noble
Indie Bound
Book Depository

Split Second