Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sia - Josh Grayson

Hi y‘all! I just finished reading Sia. Uhm. It was entirely predictable. I felt like i had read it before. And i have, just written by someone else. The only deviation from the norm is that the people with amnesia don't usually have  a dissociative fugue. Its usually going to an alternate timeline or maybe they were in an accident and have memory loss. I don't mean to be mean or anything but it is what it is. Would i shell out money for this book. No. Truth. Net galley so thoughtfully approved it for me to read, i requested it because i thought it had potential, the potential to be different. In the beginning i thought it was going to be, I mean Sia became homeless for over a week before her ridiculously rich parents found her.She was a mean girl - Check. She was suddenly nice - Check. The whole shebang, and wait for it, there was a boy. WHAT? Yeah.
It was actually sorta nice though, it evoked some sweet feelings within me but... Overall, I'd give it a 4 out of ten. 

Chaos of Stars - Kiersten White

I just finished reading Chaos Of Stars and i absolutely adored it. Its a mythical representation of the everyday relationships we have. The relationship between children and mothers, mothers anf fathers, boys and girl, and in-laws. These relationships are categorized by Isadora, mortal daughter of Isis, goddess of motherhood and blah,blah,blah. Isadora is feels that she is unloved by her mother, after all why would a goddess make her own daughter mortal, yet make one of her other sons immortal. Isadora is told the worship her parents so they would be remembered and have a physical form. Isadora feels she's being used, after all her mother pops out a new baby every so often, every twenty years. So, yeah, Isadora has a lot of siblings. Isadora is tbe current flavor and she finds out that her mother is pregnant again. Answer= Rebellion. She feels she's been replaced. Her mother sends her away to live in San Diego because she feels vulnerable as a pregnant woman and doesn't feel she can protect Isadora, especially since they have both been having pretty bad dreams.
Fast forward~~~~~~ Isadora is in San Diego with one of hersiblings. She believes she has freedom and plans never to go back. It is here she gets to evolve and meets a boy, Didn't see that one coming, did ya? Yeahhh. Stuff happens... She struggles and feels she doesn't have the capacity to love, blah,blah,blah don't wanna revel all. Some crazy things happen and its Awesome. I see the book as a lense by which several aspects od relationshipand strengths are analyzed. If you got 99 problems and and relationships are a part of them, be my guest. So yeah, everyone should read this book.  Smooches!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Breaking Nova - Jessica Sorensen

  WOW. Sometimes life takes us on this path that we never thought we's ever be on. Sometimes we are never able to get off that path because it's so much easier to stay on. Nova is one of the people that life has thrown on a different path. It started with the death of her father, then the suicide of her boyfriend; Landon. Quentin is also one of those people like Nova. His path was crooked from the beginning, but he tried so hard to be good, but his life takes a nasty turn. It started with the death of his mother at birth, to the death of his cousin and girlfriend. On the day they die, he dies with them too.
 These two people cross paths at the worst times of their lives. They both continue their tenuous journey into destruction together. I just wanted to say "Stop! This is not the answer" several times but they had to come to this realization themselves. They muddle through life using drugs as their escape and it's so hard to watch them being so destructive. They have something together. As much as two people on drugs are capable of having. I hope they are each other's savior.
 What can i say? I don't want to divulge everything in the book. It is really an amazing, sad, strong journey. A journey of realization. A journey of decision. Deciding if you want to stick on the path that life as put you on or if you want to deviate and rise above your trials and tribulations.
 As is becoming a common trend with Jessica Sorensen, the book is a two part novel. The sequel will be out in February, 2014. You can be sure i will be reading it. I want to see the epic conclusion of these two potentials. The first book is a sad, haunting, beautiful tale of growth and willpower. I can't wait to see more of the strength i saw in Breaking Nova in my two beauties.

Suicide Hotline

Life is beautiful and worth living. We were all created for a purpose. It takes time to find  it sometimes and sometimes we are born knowing it, then life gets in the way. One of the many reasons we should celebrate being humans is because we have freewill and an abounding strength that makes us capable of breaking the bonds that life imposes on us. We are strong and even when we are weak, we have the ability to be strong. We are never down for the count until its over. Guess what? It's never over until our last breath.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Conjure - Sarah Beth Durst

Ok. You know those books you're attracted to because of their awesome covers? This is one of it! Conjure by Sarah Beth Durst is uh-mayzhing! I picked it up and I was like, I'm bored and net galley hasn't given me anything to read, let me read this and see if it is as awesome as its cover.
  • First, the cover is absolutely fitting. The end.
I started the book with a whole lot of curiosity and just a smidgen of trepidation. Nowadays, the covers are really just lures to trap you into thinking a book is super awesome. It blew my mind. This is the idea that you should have thought about but didn't. It is really a coming of being story written in the most mystical, mysterious way possible. The mystery is really big in this book, I mean you don't know jack about the Eve, the star of the show because guess what? she is a mystery to even herself. We get to see her become a person, no pun intended and she blows my mind. She is a spectacular being.
  • I was a bit dissatisfied because the end wasn't how I wanted it to be, it was great but I wanted to see some action, I mean there was some action but eh...
Nonetheless, it was considerably awesome! Go forth and read it, its an experience!
    Sherrilyn Kenyon and the awesome twins <3

  I don't know if y'all know this but I absolutely adore Acheron Parthenopaeus! I mean he soooooooooooo awesome!!!!!! He's my fictional hubby! He's so powerful, compassionate, loving, sacrificing, handsome............... OMG, I thought I could never hate him! I did! Ahhhhhhhh! It totally scared me. As y'all might know, Sherilyn Kenyon's Styxx just came out! I mean exciting uh?! Getting to know the other half of Acheron, seeing how someone we thought was a devil really was. I mean I hated Styxx in Acheron. he let my Hubby die, as did that b**ch (Guess what I just said!) Artemis! Die, Die, Die! Her only saving grace is her love for her daughter, Acheron's Katra Agrotera.
So I go into the book, prepared to see the saving grace in Styxx, after all if S.K can write a book about him, there must be something good about him! Total Surprise. She -Bang-Bang-Bang! Aww, my poor, poor Styxx, I think he has usurped Acheron in my affection for him. He is the kindest, most sweetest, most amazing boy in the whole wide world. The dude has a talent for suffering! Dang! You thought Acheron had it bad, well, I would say they equally had it bad but that is very, very debatable! I wa so happy when he found love and then.... I musn't tell you too much! But OMG, he is awesome! I, dare I say it, love him. I cried for him the entire way, my soldier, forgotten! Ay!
     I even, dare I say it, hated Acheron for a while! Imagine that! What could make me hate my fictional hubby? Must be pretty bad, huh? You have to read it! Heart breaking, beautiful, rewarding! It took me a whole night to finish this book and even though I did not sleep, after going to school and work, it was worth it! If you think I have scratched the surface of this 1600 page book (Don't be scared, 1600 is chicken-change; not a lot in the scheme of things), you just read it, deeper than you can imagine, a simple tale of a simple boy, it isn't. Reading from the perspective of an over 11,000  year old man will make you re-evaluate things! Love you chums! Ciao!

Godreads link (It has links to the stores where you can buy them) - Acheron <3 - Styxx <3

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Being Me - Lisa Renee Jones

Lisa Renee Jones' Being Me is the second installment in the Inside Out trilogy. This second installment gives us more of an insight into Rebecca and Sara. Two not so different women who seem to have something in them that attracts dangerously attractive sexual men. Sara is like Rebecca redefined. She is a medium between Rebecca and herself. She is trying to assert her independence in a suffocating manly (possessive) world. Being Me reveals to us readers several, and I mean several exciting stuff we wanted, No, needed to know.
1. We find out what happens to Rebecca. Can I get a what!!!! LRJ really blew me on that one! I mean, not even what I was expecting.
2. There is a shift in Chris and Sara's relationship that is very exciting, if you know what I mean. No really, they have more of a commitment towards each other.
3. We see things move on the Mark front. Yes! Finally, a concrete decision...
4. We see the mystery aspect amp up! I really, really, really wanna know what happened to Ella, that is...dum.dum.dum.dum if something did happen to her?

There is like a big part I really want to get into but will not due to the spoiler it will inherently give away but OMG you gotta read it ta know.

And there is Chris Merit. Yuuuummmm is really all I got to say. Not really though. That man is fiiiinnne. Uhm-Uhm-Uhmm. Okay. Now that I have finished wiping the drool off my keyboard, I can now say ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. We got some deep, dark insight into him. If you think you know all about him, and about him and Rebecca? You're wrong!
This man is possessive artist. Rich as heck, famous and sadlyyyyy taken. He takes control and takes away Sara's demons. It so extremely sweet and awesome in that scene when he calls his... Now you didn't really expect me to say it, did you. If you want to know, you gotta go read it!

Finally, I know y'all have been wanting to know who Rebecca's Master is ... Is it the Sexy and dark Chris Merit or is it the Sexy and dark Mark Compton? Its...